Become a member
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Become a member:
- You will be promoting not only the Tall Ships Races but also other major Sail Events.
- As a member you financially support and sponsor our project We-Sail.
- As a member you have a voting right within our non-profit organisation and you have the opportunity to actively support our mission to promote sailing.
- As a member you can benefit of Bursaries.
Lid worden:
- Hiermee promoot je niet alleen Tall Ships Races, maar ook andere belangrijke nautische evenementen.
- Als lid steun en sponsor je ons project We-Sail.
- Als lid heb je stemrecht in onze vzw en heb je de mogelijkheid om actief onze missie van zeezeilen te promoten.
- als lid kan je in aanmerking komen voor beurzen, uitgereikt door Sail Training International.
Devenir membre:
- nous promouvons non seulement les Tall Ships Races, mais aussi d’autres importantes manifestations nautiques.
- Ton support financier promouvoit notre projet We-Sail.
- Un membre a le droit de vote dans notre organisation sans but lucrative.
- un membre se qualifie pour l’acquisition d’une bourse distribuée par Sail Training International, afin de réduire les frais d’enregistrement dans le Tall Ships Races.
How? Hoe? Comment?
Becoming a member of STA-B is very simple!
Scan this QR with your banking app and confirm the payment.
Or use the manual payment procedure.
- Fill in your data , here under and send it to our organisation.
- Pay the membership fee.
Account Account Naam/adress
IBAN = BE94 7330 1781 7314 STA-B
BIC = KREDBEBB Thonetlaan 133,
B-2050 Antwerpen
Our fee per calendar year:
Sailors: 40 € inclusive 4 newsletters, monthly magazine Varen, insurance and one daytrip with one of our ships (date communicated in one of the newsletters). At the end of the sailing season, sip on the dock = "slok op de dok" .
Vessel operators: 1 vessel + captain: 50€